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10 App & Web Development Trends You Should Know in 2023

Looking to stay ahead of the curve in web development? Check out our rundown on groundbreaking trends set to revolutionise website and app building. Get […]


Looking to stay ahead of the curve in web development? Check out our rundown on groundbreaking trends set to revolutionise website and app building. Get ready for an exciting journey into what’s next.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) development

AI is the most exciting trend in web development today, with applications that can perform complex tasks like automatically processing large amounts of data or making strategic business decisions. It comes in two varieties, machine learning algorithms and weak/unsupervised learning techniques which don’t require as much training data. Before launching your app, you must consider whether it should run on-premises or take advantage of cloud services to maximise computational power. 

Using powerful AI technologies can even help detect medical conditions from images without any human labelling required, or predict chronic diseases before symptoms appear. Whether you’re looking for a scalability solution in the cloud or an affordable option enabled by your servers, AI has opened up new possibilities across industries far and wide.


Blockchain is revolutionising the way businesses track transactions. This revolutionary digital ledger records and stores immutable, secure data across a peer-to-peer network of multiple ledgers, meaning no single entity owns or controls it. It first made its debut back in 2008 by an anonymous person (or group) known as Satoshi Nakamoto with their invention of the bitcoin cryptocurrency (BTC). The beauty lies in its decentralised nature allowing anyone to access this innovative blockchain technology and use it for their own monetary gain safely and securely like never before.

Dark mode standardisation

Improve your user experience with a modern, design trend – dark mode. Whether you have an app or website full of content-heavy pages that need power-intensive graphics or not, dark mode is now the industry standard and can help reduce screen brightness on mobile devices. Not only will it protect eyesight but also make your battery last longer.

Microservices architecture

Microservices architecture is an innovative software development technique that helps businesses stay competitive and adaptable in today’s rapidly changing environment. By breaking down applications into smaller, independent services, companies can update their products quickly and with minimal risk of downtime. Microservices-based apps are loosely coupled so they’re easier to scale as needed. Not only do businesses benefit from having a flexible solution for customers’ everchanging needs but developers also gain the advantage of being able to use different programming languages within each service which allows teams working on various parts of the same project to build off one another’s skillsets without worrying about knowledge gaps like Python vs Java.

Cloud computing 

Cloud computing opens up endless possibilities for businesses by granting seamless access to important applications and files. No more worrying about the cost of buying new equipment or maintaining existing hardware, just one stable internet connection is all it takes. With cloud computing, companies can expand their operations effortlessly in response to any demand giving them limitless agility and scalability.

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)

Teams that practice Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) merge their code changes multiple times every day. This helps ensure everyone’s work is tested against each other, preventing any bugs from slipping through the cracks. When new application releases are ready to deploy onto production servers, they’re automatically put through a thorough examination via continuous testing or automated testing. Irrespective of what goes wrong following an update, whether it be a bug or something else, logs will exist detailing exactly where things went wrong so developers can fix them promptly and continue providing great services with minimal disruption.

DevOps culture

DevOps is a revolutionary way of developing software that emphasises collaboration between formerly siloed teams. By bridging the gap between IT and development staff, organisations are able to speed up value delivery while ensuring quality standards remain high. The culture created by adopting a DevOps approach encourages cross-functional teamwork which leads to faster troubleshooting processes, improved communication protocols, increased integration efforts and automated testing & deployment steps.

Serverless architecture

Use the powerful potential of serverless computing to streamline your operations and take a huge weight off your shoulders. Focus solely on what matters most for your business by taking advantage of APIs from third-party services and leaving all tedious infrastructure management behind.

Serverless architectures are great for startups and small businesses. Not only are the costs incredibly affordable (you just pay for what you use), but there’s no need to worry about downtime either. Keep your operations running smoothly with this resilient solution that keeps each part of your application-independent. Even if something fails, it won’t affect any other parts since everything runs off-site, freeing up hardware resources on hand.

Progressive web apps (PWA)

Unlock the power of progressive web apps and make sure your users can access all the convenience of native apps without ever leaving their browser. Keep them safe with HTTPS encryption, even when they’re on slow or unreliable networks so you never have to worry about a stalled user experience again.

Keep your website on the cutting edge, no matter what OS or browser you prefer. With PWAs, everyone can stay in their comfort zone while still enjoying all of the newest features. Powerful service worker tech ensures updates are pushed directly from servers to ensure a smooth experience every time.

Optimised voice search

People no longer have to type into their browsers as voice search makes navigating the web easier than ever. With a simple spoken command, you can now control websites and apps just like having your own personal assistant. By simply speaking, you can get faster and more accurate results without ever taking your hands off what you’re doing. It’s an incredibly convenient form of searching that helps make sure your inquiries are understood in context.

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