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How to Improve User Experience on Your Website

When it comes to creating a website, the details make all the difference. Take your time to ensure user focus is at its highest and […]


When it comes to creating a website, the details make all the difference. Take your time to ensure user focus is at its highest and display content in ways that will draw viewers into wanting more. Although there is no magical solution for creating highly engaging sites comes easy, taking extra time on the basics of design principles and user focus can help you build websites that will stand out from all others.

Make navigation clear

Your website’s navigation bar is like a roadmap. Keep it visible and clear so users can quickly find their way around. Be sure to include links for the homepage and site map, plus use consistent design elements on all pages, no flashy animations or spinning icons here. With an easy-to-follow layout, visitors will have a great experience exploring your online space.

Make sure your site’s design is easy to use, not just pretty

Ensure your website is functioning at its best for users. Links should be working correctly, if a user clicks on one and gets an error message, it’s likely they won’t stick around. Make sure your site functions optimally across all devices by ensuring mobile-friendliness to ensure that everyone can navigate easily. This also increases the chances of ranking higher in organic search results thanks to responsive design which allows content to reformat according to desktop computer screens or phone browser windows without any awkward zooming struggles. Doing so will keep visitors coming back due to better accessibility levels with ease of use being taken into account first.

Simplify forms and other interactive elements

Simplifying forms is essential when it comes to creating better user experiences. With some mindful design, you can make forms simpler for anyone who interacts with your site or app. Start by focusing on only essential details that offer clear value, not too few questions where vital information could be missed. To avoid long pages that feel daunting from start to finish consider breaking larger forms down into more manageable chunks – each page should contain related components so visitors are always able to navigate easily between sections without having to fill out their entire profile before they know what else awaits.

Allow visitors to expand or collapse sections 

Keep your user experience top-notch and their journey smooth by giving them the chance to hide content they don’t want to scroll through. With a press of the ‘show/hide’ button or menu item, sections will effortlessly expand or collapse with ease, with no navigation away needed. To make this happen on CSS pages simply use ‘display: none;’ for hiding items from view and ‘display: block;’ when you would like something visible.

Keep content simple and focused on one concept per page

Users deserve the best experience when they use our website or app, something that is easy to navigate and find information on quickly. Showcasing one concept per page allows us to keep it organised, simple, and efficient. That way, you won’t overwhelm them or make finding what they’re looking for difficult. Make sure all pages are easy-to-read to maximise engagement levels and enhance overall satisfaction.

Don’t make people scroll forever

Keep readers engaged with your website content by writing in an easy-to-digest way. Break up long chunks of text into manageable sections using creative subheadings and support them further with images, bulleted lists, or numbered points. Furthermore, don’t forget to leave enough white space between paragraphs as it gives a visual cue for users when one thought ends before jumping right into another, making the flow of information better.

Use simple language and avoid technical jargon (unless you’re a technology company)

Communicating clearly and concisely on your website is essential for connecting with audiences of all backgrounds. Stick to plain English, avoiding technical jargon as well as overly fancy or old-fashioned vocabulary, acronyms are a no-go if you’re not sure they will be understood. To keep readers engaged throughout their journey, break up long blocks of text into shorter sentences and paragraphs too.

Ask for feedback

Give your website an added edge by inviting users for feedback. This can provide valuable insights into how they perceive the user experience and help you identify areas that need improvement. Plus, it’s a chance to show people you’re open to new ideas. After all, surveys are really just opportunities in disguise to reshape customer satisfaction by taking their input on board. 

Include links to relevant information

Enhance your content and make the most of it for SEO optimisation by including relevant links at key points throughout. Not only will this help readers learn more about what they’re interested in, but search engines love it when linkable data is presented contextually as opposed to just adding a bunch once you reach the bottom. Linking out to other articles on your website or websites related to yours/your users’ interests can effectively add research-rich value that makes any article stand out from others. Be sure not to offer too much inside info though, leave some mystery so everyone’s eager to click through those helpful hyperlinks.

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